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Minggu, 07 November 2010

lagu candy

Lirik Lagu Candy – Bila

kau tak berubah
slalu saja kau simpan
katakanlah yang sebenarnya
diriku tau bila kau kini tak ingin bersamaku
mengapa kau harus berdusta
yang kuinginkan
yang kuharapkan…

bila memang berakhir akhirilah saja
bila memang kau pergi lupakanlah aku
bila memang berakhir akhirilah semua
lupakanlah saja aku

diriku tahu engkau bertahan agar ku tak kecewa
mengapa kau harus berdusta
yang kuinginkan
yang kuharapkan…

bila memang berakhir akhirilah saja
bila memang kau pergi lupakanlah aku
bila memang berakhir akhirilah semua
lupakanlah saja aku

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Aku Bukan Untukmu

Dahulu kau mencintaiku 
Dahulu kau mrnginginkanku
Meski tak pernah ada jawabku
Tak berniat kau tinggalkan aku

Sekarang kau pergi menjauh
Sakarang kau tinggalkan aku 
Disaat kumulai mengharapkanmu
Dan kumohon maafkan aku

Bicara Pada Bintang

Tiga waktu berlalu
Rentang hatiku menyayat
Wajah kasih yang dulu
Hadir dalam tidur

Malamku penuh mimpi
Pertemuan tak terjamah
Sinar diujung sana

Ajari Aku

Ajari aku tuk bisa,menjadi yang engkau cinta
Agar aku bisa memiliki rasa yang luar biasa
Untukku dan untukmu



1.      HOST

Read the script carefuly!

I. Daily program
Hallo guys I am Tessa Kaunang  will present  for you again to analyze the artist’s sensation differently, sharply and believable. Now we will served up to date and interesting news from your artist. But at before, let’s enjoy some advertisements first. And we will come back after this.
Okey guys that’s all our programme today!
In our life, there’s nothing that should we do than which we want to run after.
Don’t forget at tomorrow morning we will meet again still at GO SPOT.

Read the script carefuly!

II. Weekly program
Hallo guys! After a week we didn’t meet. I am Mona Ratuliu meet again with you on WAS WAS like at before, I will give you the up to date information that of course is very interesting for us.
Okey guys. The positive attitude is someone’s tickets to go to the better future and practice again and again we will get prosperity we will watch again the best and up to date information WAS WAS on next Monday. See you later on WAS WAS in the next episode……………… bye bye.
Answer the following questions based on the script above!

1.   What programme is run by the presenter?
2.   What is the difference between the first script and the second one script?
3.   Do you think that those programmes are for old, young or children? Why?

master of ceremony


Standar Kompetensi :

1.      Memahami makna yang terdapat dalam public speaking sederhana

Kompetensi Dasar

1.1    Merespon makna yang diungkapkan oleh Master of Ceremony.


1.      Mengidentifikasi berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan oleh Master of Ceremony
2.      Mengidentifikasi situasi, tempat dan jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan MC.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat :
1.   Mengidentifikasi berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan oleh Master of Ceremony
2.   Mengidentifikasi situasi, tempat dan jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan MC.

II. Materi Ajar :


Text I


MC is a person who has ability to conduct some events, meetings or programs or in the other hand it can be said that MC is a conductor or Toastmaster. As a MC you have to have poise, presence and can attract the audiences or attendees attention. MC has a great roles in the events held because he or she takes responsible to make the event runs smoothly and on time. In order that the event can be succeed.
If you are asked by someone to be a MC in her/his event you have to prepare all of things. As we know that event/meeting/program has some stages in it. They are before the event, at the event (opening comment, during the program, closing comment), and the last is after the event.

* Some preparations should be prepared before the event are:
1.   Meet the organizer and confirm about the topic.
2. Contact the speaker or those who have role in that event and confirm about their responsibilities, the time given, and all of things needed during the event.
3.  Make an agenda in order that you do not miss or forget something important.

* During the program you have to prepare the things like:
1.   Make an agenda in which there tells you about what should you do and the time table.
2.   The M.C is like time keeper. It means that if one of the speaker out of time in giving his/her presentation, you will remind him/her by giving him/her a note saying to stop quickly.
3.   Start the event on time and planned to end on time.