Standar Kompetensi :
1. Memahami makna yang terdapat dalam public speaking sederhana
Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna yang diungkapkan oleh Master of Ceremony.
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan oleh Master of Ceremony
2. Mengidentifikasi situasi, tempat dan jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan MC.
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan oleh Master of Ceremony
2. Mengidentifikasi situasi, tempat dan jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan MC.
Text I
MC is a person who has ability to conduct some events, meetings or programs or in the other hand it can be said that MC is a conductor or Toastmaster. As a MC you have to have poise, presence and can attract the audiences or attendees attention. MC has a great roles in the events held because he or she takes responsible to make the event runs smoothly and on time. In order that the event can be succeed.

* Some preparations should be prepared before the event are:
1. Meet the organizer and confirm about the topic.
2. Contact the speaker or those who have role in that event and confirm about their responsibilities, the time given, and all of things needed during the event.
3. Make an agenda in order that you do not miss or forget something important.
* During the program you have to prepare the things like:
1. Make an agenda in which there tells you about what should you do and the time table.
2. The M.C is like time keeper. It means that if one of the speaker out of time in giving his/her presentation, you will remind him/her by giving him/her a note saying to stop quickly.
3. Start the event on time and planned to end on time.
siiiiiiiiiiiiip............. terussss............... tx